Awuku Dela

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2016 Living Word

"At the heart of this devotional is a desire to make God's eternal word real to our day to day experiences. The study format is easy to follow and the daily insights rich with meaning.
You can use this guide for your personal or family devotion, facilitate a Bible study or prepare a study lesson for a group you lead. Whether you are a student, parent, worker, busy executive or a senior citizen, you can develop a closer walk with God and study His word daily. Make time to draw on His wisdom from above and see the difference it will bring into your life."

Whilst back in Ghana last year between the months of August and December, [yes I know,I spent several months there all in the name of relocation] I fellowshipped every Sunday morning attending Church Service at ICGC located at Abossey Okine. I was initially invited by a good friend Belinda Quarshie several years ago and since then, whenever I am in Ghana, I make it my mission to attend church service there. I am very skeptical about churches in Ghana. I feel many of them have deviated from the soul purpose of why a church is needed in a community, and have made it their aim to feed people with nonsense and device as many ways and means of extracting money from them based on absurd reasons. 
Anyway, ICGC sat well with me. I liked the church very much. I would not say I liked everything about the church, but on a scale of 1 - 10, I would give it a 9 based on the atmosphere, preaching, etc etc. 

So, "Living Word" is a yearly book written by the Senior Pastor and founder of ICGC - Pastor Mensa Otabil. My copy - Living Word 2016, was purchased as a present for me by Belinda in November last year when I was in Ghana. It is meant to be read on a daily bases, but hey, I found the content very inspiring and full of great value. I ended up reading more than one page at a time. I ended up finishing the book last week. There are several pages which I enjoyed. Others I had questions on. 

I am eagerly looking to next years Living Word 2017. I plan to be in Ghana in November for six week. Hopefully before I leave, Pastor Otabil would have the Living Word for 2017 published and out for sale.

So Many Colours At Church ICGC Abossey Okine

ICGC is located at Abossey Okine in Accra, Ghana; and  has always been my preferred place of worship when I am in Accra. I was introduced to the church by a very good friend of mine. Generally I am very weary of churches in Ghana, so by default, I am very selective as to which church I attend. Since being introduced to ICGC, I have been in and out of Ghana over the past couple of years several times. On each occasion that I am in Ghana, I make it a point to attend ICGC.

This Sunday gone, we had the pleasure of Pastor Otabil preaching. He continued with his series which he started last week. Unfortunately I was in Takoradi last week, so I missed out on the beginning of the series. There is never a dull moment in the clothes people wear to church. Admittedly there is the usual black or white attire, but 90% of what everyone wears is filled with colour.  Correct me if I am wrong, but I am of the very strong opinion that Ghanaians love wearing colourful clothes. This is more prominent in women. The  Kaba and Slit serves as an excellent "medium" in displaying colours based on the material used in sewing. A quick Google search using  "What is kaba and Slit" will generate a list of websites which attempt to educate you what Kaba and Slit is.

To iPhone Or Not to iPhone

I am an obsessive Apple fan. No not that type of obsessiveness. I am not an Apple fan without first questioning and then making that all important decision. If the Apple product makes reasonable sense to have then I will purchase it. Failing that I will not waste the effort, time and money to engage in that product, unless of course if I acquire it as a present. I am currently using a Macbook pro 15" with retina display purchased last year when they came out. I also have the latest iPad Air 2. My daily driver roughly 3 years ago was an iPhone 4S. Sadly I had to switch to a Sony phone which run Android. Why you are probably asking? Well during the period I was using my iPhone, I was getting increasingly frustrated with the limitations I had with the iPhone. I was constantly Jail breaking my iPhone so that I could enjoy the features that were not available on the Apple IOS. It then got to the point that even jail breaking was becoming frustrating, so I looked into the possibility of moving to Android. Based on what I saw, I made my move to an Android phone. I have used a Sony, a Nexus 5 and currently using a Nexus 6 as my daily driver. 

Apples release of the iPhone 6S plus [I stress on the 6S plus because I want one] has got me focused on getting one at the end of November. Everything about it includes what I felt I was missing when I was using the iPhone 4S. At this point, I feel it makes reasonable sense to get an iPhone 6S Plus. My macbook and iPad both run all the essential applications that I use on a regular bases. Only a fraction of these applications are available on Android, irritating as it is, I have managed to live with it till now. The new features built into the iPhone 6S now give me all the reason the upgrade my current daily driver to an iPhone 6S.

Tomorrow, Google is hosting an event in which the speculation is that they will be announcing the upgrade to the Nexus 6. It will be interesting to read the reviews that will be published when a comparison is done on the iPhone 6S plus and the latest release of the Nexus phone. I will watch the show, but my mind is fairly made up now and I have set the iPhone 6S in my sights.

As with reviews on any item of tech that comes out, I immediately head off to MBKHD on YouTube for a sterling review on the item. Check out his immediate review on the iPhone 6S and 6S Plus. Please note that this is an immediate review, which means he will be revealing a detailed review in the hot too distant future.

                  Click >>here<< for Youtube video

I will finish off the blog with an article I came across through a couple of "hops" in the web
"Apple widens gap between IOS, Android in U.S."

ECOBANK - Information Technology

I am pitching this video because my brother, Mr Felix Duku CEO of Duku Consulting Ghana is featured in it. This was when he was head of Information and Communication Technology at ECOBANK, Accra Ghana.
For those of you who know him, spotting him out will not be a problem, however those who don't will see a brief introduction with his name and function......enjoy

Click on picture to view video.

Flash Back - Funeral Of The Late Madam Elizabeth Laingoye Lartey

Memories are important, no matter how sad they are..

My Mum died in April 2000 after a short illness. Prior to her passing away, she worked for the Ghana Education Service as a Home Economist Teacher, holding this post in various secondary schools in the country. Her first posting as I recall was at Dormaa Secondary School. She then moved on to Sunyani Secondary Technical School, Aburi Grls Secondary School and Tamale Technical Institute. When she retired, she set up a Creche at her residence in Nyaniba Estates and called it Gye Nyame Creche.

iMotivate - Work, Family, Health, Friends and Spirit, Brian G. Dyson

I came across this on Google+. Actually I only encountered part of it, so I did some more investigating and was able to get the whole speech. These are truly inspiring words that should motivate all of us. Many times we can get sucked into the wrong things and totally forget what our goals should be. It is also very easy for us to set the wrong goals without realising this. There is a lot to learn from what Brian has mentioned. These are not many words but definitely very thought provoking.

Imagine life as a game in which you are juggling some five balls in the air. You name them – Work, FamilyHealthFriends and Spirit and you’re keeping all of these in the air.

You will soon understand that work is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce back. But the other four balls – Family, Health, Friends and Spirit– are made of glass. If you drop one of these; they will be irrevocably scuffed, marked, nicked, damaged or even shattered. They will never be the same. You must understand that and strive for it.

Work efficiently during office hours and leave on time. Give the required time to your family, friends and have proper rest. Value has a value only if its value is valued.”

Don’t undermine your worth by comparing yourself with others. It is because we are different that each of us is special. Don’t set your goals by what other people deem important. Only you know what is best for you. Don’t take for granted the things closest to your heart. Cling to them as you would your life, for without them, life is meaningless. Don’t let your life slip through your fingers by living in the past or for the future. By living your life one day at a time, you live all the days of your life. Don’t give up when you still have something to give. Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying. Don’t be afraid to admit that you are less than perfect. It is this fragile thread that binds us to each together. Don’t be afraid to encounter risks. It is by taking chances that we learn how to be pave. Don’t shut love out of your life by saying it’s impossible to find time. The quickest way to receive love is to give; the fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tightly; and the best way to keep love is to give it wings! Don’t run through life so fast that you forget not only where you’ve been, but also where you are going. Don’t forget, a person’s greatest emotional need is to feel appreciated. Don’t be afraid to learn. Knowledge is weightless, a treasure you can always carry easily. Don’t use time or words carelessly. Neither can be retrieved. Life is not a race, but a journey to be savoured each step of the way… Brian G. Dyson President and CEO, Coca-Cola Enterprises during his speech at the Georgia Tech 172nd Commencement Address Sept. 6, 1996

The Puzzle Of Motivation / 7 Must-Read Books On Work And Productivity

The Puzzle Of Motivation - TED Talk [ted id=618]

Career analyst Dan Pink examines the puzzle of motivation, starting with a fact that social scientists know but most managers don't: Traditional rewards aren't always as effective as we think. Listen for illuminating stories — and maybe, a way forward.

7 Must-Read Books On Work And Productivity

In 1962, Princeton psychologist Sam Glucksberg performed an experiment based on the classic candle problem test. He presented two groups with the same task, but with different rewards: One would receive monetary rewards based on speed, while the other was told only to complete the task as quickly as possible. The results were counterintuitive. The latter group performed the task on average three and a half times faster than the first. Why?

As career analyst Dan Pink (Watch: The puzzle of motivation) has learned, traditional motivators like money can be far less effective than intrinsic motivators like autonomy, mastery and purpose. Indeed, productivity itself is a mystery we still struggle to unravel. Below, find seven must-reads (and a playlist) that look closely at how work works, provided by Pink for his TED Talk.

1. The Talent Code Daniel Coyle Arrow Books, 2010

“A savvy and snappy compilation of some of the best research on talent. I’ve given away more than a dozen copies of this one — including to my own kids.”

2. Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Harper Perennial Modern Classics, 2008

“The classic book that introduced the idea of ‘flow’ — those delicious moments when the challenge we face is so exquisitely matched to our capabilities that we lose our sense of time, even our sense of self.”

3. Why We Do What We Do Edward L. Deci and Richard Flaste Penguin Books, 1996

“Edward L. Deci is a legend in the study of motivation, and this 1996 book offers a nice early introduction to his work.”

4. Mindset Carol Dweck Ballantine Books, 2007

“One of the most important books a parent can read. Seriously. Get it now.”

5. The Sports Gene David Epstein Current Trade, 2014

“A fascinating book that shows that in some pursuits, practice, practice, practice is more effective when you’ve got the right genes, genes, genes.”

6. The War of Art Steven Pressfield Black Irish Entertainment, 2012

“An essential read on overcoming resistance in the quest for mastery.”

7. Readings on self-determination theory

“Much of the work I write about in my book Drive comes out of the University of Rochester. You can find a great selection of academic papers on self-determination theory online.”

Great reading list, so I have been out shopping on Amazon and purchased most of the titles on Kindle. One I got on Audible because I have a monthly subscription with them.

Flight BA0081 from Heathrow To Accra - An example of Excellent Customer Service

I always fly British Airways. Well, that is not actually accurate. When I started making regular trips to Ghana, my initial preferred airline was Virgin. Actually before Virgin started flying to Ghana, I took flew Ghana Airways once, then when they went bust, I flew with another airline that went to Ghana frequently - I cannot remember their name.  Anyway, after that, I flew BA once and then a few times with Virgin. For reasons best known to themselves, Virgin suddenly dropped the routes to Ghana and I found myself flying with British Airways [BA]. I had no problem flying BA. They were always punctual in departures and arrivals. The crew are always friendly and quick to step in when a passenger needs help. Everything slotted in just fine for a "World Traveller" like me. Many friends had issues, and some still do with the fares, but my way around that was to plan my trips when BA was either having a sale or to travel outside school holidays - tickets are always cheaper outside school holidays. I know a few people who would rather purchase a cheaper tickets with another airline that offered several hours stop-overs/transits elsewhere before arriving in Ghana. I cannot imagine myself engaging in such a trip. I would rather spend extra in having a direct flight than having to stop over at another airport for several hours only for the sake of saving money.

My trip to Ghana on the 14th of November started of with me driving to Heathrow in heavy rain. It rained non stop from Northampton to Heathrow. The driving conditions were absolutely horrendous. Tip 1 - always check in as early as you can. The check in staff are very nice when the queues are short and hence they are less stressed. The advantage is that even if you are 3 - 6 kilos over the your weight allowance, they are sympathetic and will make you language as HEAVY and check you in. Tip 2 - always engage in light conversation with the check in staff. They always appreciate this. After all, they are humans too. Ask them how their day has been so far and what time they knock off work. After checking in and buying a few things from the Duty free shops, I finally bordered my flight and airborne on time to Ghana. Then we hit a snag. The crew were having issues with the onboard entertainment. All attempts by them to resolve the issue proved futile. So we ended up not having any entertainment for the duration of the flight.

A couple of days into my stay in Accra, I tweeted BA informing them of my lack on entertainment and suggestion of a refund. After a couple of tweets between myself and @BritishAirways, my British Airways Executive Club account was credited with Avios Points. Well done BA. You have yet again proved that Customer Service is at the forefront of your airline operation and I look forward to flying with you anytime again in the not to distant future.

The Truth About Beats by Dre!

Last night I watched another awesome YouTube video by a tech reviewer called Marques Brownlee. If you missed it, check out the link >>here<< I woke up this morning and Marques had made a posting on his Google+ Account: The funny thing this is that Marques is not the only Tech reviewer on YouTube who has made a Tech review on Beats by Dr Dre. If you do a quick search on YouTube using "Beats by Dre" you will find a whole list of reviews either praising them of knocking them as useless. Interesting enough, Marques has made other Tech reviews on Beats by Dre way back in February 2012 '"ATH-M50 vs Beats by Dre Pro, plus a mini rant." - Uploaded on 14 Feb 2012". Dr Dre did not want to talk to him then. Nor did Dr Dre, as far as I know, want to to talk to the other reviews os his product. So Apple now buys Beats and they now want to talk to, I presume, to the first person who has made a review on their product. There is a lot to take away from Apples sudden interest in Marques' review, and I will leave you to list them in the comments section. My only advice to Marques though is that he takes a lawyer with him [if he is having this talk at Apple offices].

I will be interested, if Marques is allowed to reveal the contents of this meeting to the general public, what was actually discussed in this meeting. Anyway, nice one Marques - keep up the good work. Whatever the outcome of this "talk" with Apple, don't let it stop you from reviewing the iPhone 6 when it comes out! ;-)

The Ultimate Nexuz 7 Cover - Portenzo

Portenzo have amazing covers for the iPad and the Nexuz 7 tablets. My only problem is that they do not have outlets in Europe. Which means if I order a Pertenzo cover from the USA, not only will I be paying for silly shipping cost, I will also have to pay some silly money at the Post Office, which is something I definitely do not want to do. So wen the opportunity struck, I went to the Portenzo website, customised one to m liking and had it delivered to my brother in laws crib in Denver. When the time was right....I did not have to wait too long...I got it delivered by hand to my at home...SWEET!

This case is absolutely great and well crafted. If you are thinking of getting one, check out the company from :

Twitter Link :

My Nexus 7 - Absolutely Loving It.

So after several years of toying with the idea, an opportunity struck and I took the plunge and acquired a Nexus 7 for myself. Let us say it was a Christmas gift to myself. After all, one never gets what they wish for at Christmas, so I decided not to disappointment myself and get something I really wanted. As mentioned earlier, I said I had been toying with an idea. the original plan was to save up for an iPad. The more I looked into the possibilities of getting an iPad, the more I said to myself that if I do get one, several reasons would make that iPad experience for me a negative one. For starters, the price. My Apple Macbook Pro cost me an arm and a leg. I have no regrets at all, and I am loving every minute I work on it. However, how many Apple products can one keep on buying at their current prices in one year...or even two years? Also, there is this ever rapid "turn around" regarding the frequency Apple releases new products. At such high prices, my logic [key word here is 'my'] says that the products should take a good trip 'round the circuit' over several years before an update is released. Fancy spending all that money on an iPad, only to realise that it is going to be upgraded the next year; and the difference? ...well something that they could have probably incorporated in the original product anyway. Of course, it is all a ploy to rope the consumer into buying.

So, I finally settled for the Nexus 7. To be honest, I wasn't too sure on what I was going to expect. I had done the normal research on the internet via Youtube Videos, but you were obviously not getting that 'hands on' experience. I went into several Mobile phone shops asking if they had any Nexus 7 tablets in stock, and if they did whether I could have a demonstration. Unfortunately, non of the shops that I visited could satisfy my curiosity. Mind you, there was an abundant display of Apple iPads.

My Nexus 7 arrived in the morning via courier. I immediately settled myself in my study and started exploring my new device. First impressions.....I was completely blown away. By the way, the device I got was a 32GB one.

I have no Youtube video offering you my unboxing and usage experience. If you need one, there are several good ones you can easily get access to on Youtube. The official Google Nexus 7 Fact page can be found here.

I am going to review my Nexus 7 under the following headings 1. Form Factor 2. Applications/Games 3. Usability

Form factor: This device is a joy to work with. As you will probably know, it fits perfectly in the palm of your hand. And if you decide to use both hands, i.e watching a film, it works beautifully in both hands. It is light, manageable and fits into and decent size bag you might be using. You can also get an assortment of cases/cover cases for it. I believe there is no need to go extravagant on these accessories as it does not add experience to ones usage of the device.

Applications/Games: If you have an iPhone and are worried that the apps that you have on the phone are not available in the Google Apps Store, the you are wrong. Even if you cannot find the exact App, you will certainly find one that does a similar function. This applies to those of you who have wisely moved from the iPad to the Nexus 7 [I say this with a smile]. I have read on several websites that this tablet is a true gaming tablet because of the Tegra 3 chip. I do not play videos games that much however I have purchased some good ones off the Google Pay store and can confirm that the experience is very good. To assist you get your bearings on the Nexus 7 and advice on which apps you should install, have a look at Google+'s Nexus 7 Community - you will not be disappointed. Whatever questions you have regarding the Nexus 7, ask it and someone will certainly attempt to provide you with the right answer.

Usability: I cannot fault this tablet. So far I have been able to perform and interact with this tablet without any issues.

So, for the time being, this is my review of my Nexus 7. More reviews will follow in the coming weeks. I have recently purchased an adapter which will enable me to access a USB drive. I think the technical reference to them is USB On-The-Go

And finally, yes, you do need a case for your Nexus 7. It would be suicide not to get one. Start off with a reasonable cheap one, and then after carefully researching, select one which fits your 'pocket'. The problem I have found is that all the good manufacturers of the Nexus 7 cases are based in the USA. Hence ordering from theses sites into the UK attracts an extra fee when the item arrives in the UK. I quite fancy a case from this site - Treegloo

Thrive Africa

This is something I find myself passionate about. I quite remember after my O Levels, I volunteered to assist in a project in a small village near Winneba, Ghana. I also remember making friends with a German girl called Claudia. I must have spent a month there helping out with various things related to the Project.


Volunteering with Thrive Africa you’ll have the opportunity to work on a diverse range of development projects in Ghana. Working with stakeholders 5 days a week you’ll gain an understanding of what the project is, why it exists and the outcomes it hopes to deliver.

With plenty of tourist opportunities in Ghana we want to make sure you get the chance to see everything you can. We help organise excursions and join you on them; time off is given on evenings and weekends.

Your with Thrive Africa staff 24/7 for the duration of your trip so your always in safe hands and they’re there to make sure you have the best possible experience.

Check out the website from >>here<<

Urine-powered generator produces six hours of electricity

We've all heard the expression "haste makes waste," but how about waste making energy? At the fourth annual Maker Faire Africa in Lagos, Nigeria, a quartet of teenage girls ages 14 through 15 have created a urine-powered generator. This eco-friendly energy source cranks out six hours of electricity for every liter of human bodily fluid by separating the excretion's hydrogen with an electrolytic cell. While this method of human waste disposal seems promising, the device has the potential to be a pee-powered biobomb and will need more than its limited safety measures before you're able to pick one up at your local hardware store. However, if this can help us save a few bucks on our energy bill, then we need to introduce these girls to these guys posthaste.

Source: Endgadget

Ghana department store collapses in Accra

A multi-storey department store has collapsed in Ghana's capital, Accra, with many people believed to be trapped inside.

Rescue efforts are under way, with police and fire personnel trying to pull people out of the rubble.

The BBC's Sammy Darko reports from the scene that he has seen one person rescued.

Other reports say three people died when the Melcom store collapsed before it was due to open.

Accra's mayor, Alfred Oko Vanderpuye, is reportedly at the scene with rescue workers who are trying to clear the rubble.

"I was very close to the mall because I was going to buy something only for me to see the building coming down," resident Ama Okyere told the AFP news agency.

"I had to run for my life. I was so terrified. I believe there are lots of people trapped under this because this is a heavily patronised shopping mall in the area."

Our reporter says it is feared that up to 200 staff could be trapped.

The building collapsed about 15 minutes before it was due to open for business, he adds.

In a tweet moments after the building collapsed, Ghana's President John Dramani Mahama said: "My prayers are with the workers, shoppers and others who are trapped in the rubble of the Achimota Melcom building."

Source: BBC
YouTube Video Link >>here<<

Update: 17/11/2012

I yanked the below uploaded Radio Show from Youtube. Watch it >>here<<

Fast forward to 13.48 [minutes ] into the talk..

This is the dialogue that took place. Coordinator: ...the Chinese ...they donated the mobile...the mobile...ow do you call that one Presenter:...escavator? ermm ...ermm ermm ...the thing that lifts Presenter: crane? Coordinator: yes

wow! Now this is The Deputy National Coordinator for Disaster relief

Ghana's 2012 Presidential Debate

I got a whiff of this as having taken place on Facebook. I was envious of my fellow Ghanaians in Ghana because they were getting this debate as it was happening - so to say "in real time'. So I trotted off to Youtube, as my first and obvious port of call; hoping that a caring news media outlet in Ghana would have the "compassion" to post this for those of us, less fortunate, to get the opportunity of watching the debate - not in realtime.

My initial search - which lasted about 3 minutes proved futilehowever after some persistence, I was able to find a Youtube upload [ 5 hours ]. My excitement was indescribableAt last, I said to myself....something to watch and also find out why my friends on FB were poking fun at some of the debaters.

My excitement soon came to a jolting halt. The video that I had sourced on Youtube had no sound. Bloody hell, surely whoever uploaded this would have check to make sure that there was sound. After all, the upload was for the benefit of the Internet community. I was not to be defeated so easily. I then did a search on on the popular DuckDuckGoog search engine, noted that the same video was being hosted on several Ghanaian News sites and smiled. Now, surely these sites would have sound on this video upload. To my surprise they did not.

What a shame. Something as important as this and someone got it wrong. A power cut could not have been the cause, so I will put it down to sheer mismanagement.

Check out the Youtube link below. I am sure my inability to get any sound was not down to my Apple Mac. Mind you, I was not patient enough to sit through the whole video to check if the sound did come on after T minutes. Link >>here<<

Update: Blimey, there is sound after all. I had left the Youtube video running and a loo and behold, sound suddenly kicked in. Mind you, the quality is not that good, but least we have sound. You will probably need to skip the first 1 hour 30 minutes of the video.

Have You Found Your Place Yet?


To prepare God's people for works of service. Ephesians 4:12

The story's told of a pastor who went to the railroad station every night to watch the express train roar through town. His congregation wondered why. When suspicions arose a deacon followed him, watched him, and asked what he was doing. He replied, 'This train is the only thing that comes through this town that I don't have to push!' God hasn't called your pastor to do everything in church, He's called them 'to prepare [you] for works of service.' So, have you found your area of service yet? Are you functioning in it? Paul writes: 'Just as there are many parts to our bodies, so it is with Christ's body...God has given each of us the ability to do certain things well. So if God has given you the ability to prophesy, then prophesy whenever you can, as often as your faith is strong enough to receive a message from God. If your gift is that of serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, do a good job of teaching. If you are a preacher, see to it that your sermons are strong and helpful. If God has given you money, be generous in helping others with it. If God has given you administrative ability and put you in charge of the work of others, take the responsibility seriously. Those who offer comfort to the sorrowing should do so with Christian cheer' (Romans 12:4-8 TLB).

C. S. Lewis said, 'Joy bursts in on our lives when we go about doing the good at hand, and not trying to manipulate things and times to achieve joy.'

Have a great day everyone.

Stop Waiting For Perfect Conditions

'...He kept his eyes on the one who is invisible.' Hebrews 11:27 There is a strong relationship between our movement toward our dreams, and the resources we need becoming available to us. Too often we want to see the resources, or have them in hand before we start moving forward. When we do that, we have neither the resources nor the movement. We need to be like the snail that started climbing up the apple tree one cold day in February. As he inched his way upward, a worm stuck his head out from a crevice in the tree and said, 'You're wasting your energy. There isn't a single apple up there.' The snail kept on climbing, and replied, 'No, but there will be by the time I get up there!' Over and over in Scripture God sent people out with what seemed like little, or inadequate resources. But when they got to where God wanted them to be, the resources needed to get the job done were in place waiting for them. Vision doesn't follow resources, it happens the other way around. First we have a dream, then we have to move forward. Then-and only then-do people and resources follow. Then the plan God has given to us begins to fall into place. A wise man once said, 'Effort only releases its reward after a person refuses to quit.' People who succeed 'see' what others don't. It's what keeps them moving forward. 'It was by faith that Moses left the land of Egypt, not fearing the king's anger. He kept right on going because he kept his eyes on the one who is invisible.'

The above relates to me on many occasions. I have many a time grown frustrated by the current climate of events that I am in. It has been a dream for me to one day move back to Ghana for good. However I keep on saying to myself that the moment is not just right. I feel that there has to be this perfect moment/condition that will present itself to me as a sign for me to make that trip back home. But of course I am kidding myself because there IS never that right moment. One has to make that first step and then take each day as it comes. Most certainly, you will need a game plan, but do not have that game plan and then just sit on it; thinking that the right moment with present itself to you thereby enabling you to impliment the game plan. If that is you, then forget it.

Phase Two - Crib @ Nyaniba

Can I safely call this phase two? Well I suppose so.With Ms Florence out of my picture, the main building has been rented out to a client and I am in the process of renovating the outhouse. I have been informed that work has already started on this that need doing but have not been given a time scale as to when completion is due. I have been approached by the tenant in the main building. He wants me to rent out the outhouse to him. I am very reluctant in doing this because of several reasons. 1. The plan is to resettle in Ghana and seth a business of some sort within the next three years - God willingly. The outhouse will act as my base station and storage for items that I plan of shipping back to Ghana. 2. My previous trips to Ghana has found me logging with friends and family. They have never complained and have always welcomed me with open arms whenever I have asked if I could stay with them. However now that I have somewhere I can stay when I am in Ghana, why give that place up for rent? yes, I know it will be money coming into the old bank account, but the other side of me is telling me that it is not all about money! I suppose I can rent the place out for about a year, and then work things out from then on; which means that during that period, if I need to make that trip to Ghana, then I will have to seek the hospitality of friends and family - again. Update: I called Akosua and she informed me that letting the outhouse to the main tenant is not a good idea as it appears they are not the sort of people who a "clean". This piece of news seems worrying. Anyway, I am going to call her next week to work out a plan where by she can announce herself into the building and perform an inspection. I quite remember seeing something to this nature in the tenancy agreement.

Update: Akosua has done a brilliant job of : 1. Cleaning up the filth and mess Ms Florence Massoud left behind 2. Renovating the Outhouse. I will post pictures which Akosua took of the filth that was left behind by Ma Florence Massoud.