Awuku Dela

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Stop Waiting For Perfect Conditions

'...He kept his eyes on the one who is invisible.' Hebrews 11:27 There is a strong relationship between our movement toward our dreams, and the resources we need becoming available to us. Too often we want to see the resources, or have them in hand before we start moving forward. When we do that, we have neither the resources nor the movement. We need to be like the snail that started climbing up the apple tree one cold day in February. As he inched his way upward, a worm stuck his head out from a crevice in the tree and said, 'You're wasting your energy. There isn't a single apple up there.' The snail kept on climbing, and replied, 'No, but there will be by the time I get up there!' Over and over in Scripture God sent people out with what seemed like little, or inadequate resources. But when they got to where God wanted them to be, the resources needed to get the job done were in place waiting for them. Vision doesn't follow resources, it happens the other way around. First we have a dream, then we have to move forward. Then-and only then-do people and resources follow. Then the plan God has given to us begins to fall into place. A wise man once said, 'Effort only releases its reward after a person refuses to quit.' People who succeed 'see' what others don't. It's what keeps them moving forward. 'It was by faith that Moses left the land of Egypt, not fearing the king's anger. He kept right on going because he kept his eyes on the one who is invisible.'

The above relates to me on many occasions. I have many a time grown frustrated by the current climate of events that I am in. It has been a dream for me to one day move back to Ghana for good. However I keep on saying to myself that the moment is not just right. I feel that there has to be this perfect moment/condition that will present itself to me as a sign for me to make that trip back home. But of course I am kidding myself because there IS never that right moment. One has to make that first step and then take each day as it comes. Most certainly, you will need a game plan, but do not have that game plan and then just sit on it; thinking that the right moment with present itself to you thereby enabling you to impliment the game plan. If that is you, then forget it.