Awuku Dela

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Filtering by Tag: GhanaPresidential 2012 Debate

Ghana's 2012 Presidential Debate

I got a whiff of this as having taken place on Facebook. I was envious of my fellow Ghanaians in Ghana because they were getting this debate as it was happening - so to say "in real time'. So I trotted off to Youtube, as my first and obvious port of call; hoping that a caring news media outlet in Ghana would have the "compassion" to post this for those of us, less fortunate, to get the opportunity of watching the debate - not in realtime.

My initial search - which lasted about 3 minutes proved futilehowever after some persistence, I was able to find a Youtube upload [ 5 hours ]. My excitement was indescribableAt last, I said to myself....something to watch and also find out why my friends on FB were poking fun at some of the debaters.

My excitement soon came to a jolting halt. The video that I had sourced on Youtube had no sound. Bloody hell, surely whoever uploaded this would have check to make sure that there was sound. After all, the upload was for the benefit of the Internet community. I was not to be defeated so easily. I then did a search on on the popular DuckDuckGoog search engine, noted that the same video was being hosted on several Ghanaian News sites and smiled. Now, surely these sites would have sound on this video upload. To my surprise they did not.

What a shame. Something as important as this and someone got it wrong. A power cut could not have been the cause, so I will put it down to sheer mismanagement.

Check out the Youtube link below. I am sure my inability to get any sound was not down to my Apple Mac. Mind you, I was not patient enough to sit through the whole video to check if the sound did come on after T minutes. Link >>here<<

Update: Blimey, there is sound after all. I had left the Youtube video running and a loo and behold, sound suddenly kicked in. Mind you, the quality is not that good, but least we have sound. You will probably need to skip the first 1 hour 30 minutes of the video.