Awuku Dela

Kokrokoo is a site designed for everyone looking for a bit of something.  It is geared towards to geek, traveller, events in Ghana, Photography and advice in general; to mention a few.

Starting Off

OK, the contents that you see below were originally on another page on this website. I thought I could then further update the contents of this page as you would on your home page in wordpress. However after an extensive search on the internet on various forums, it appears this is not possible. What a blow. So I have had to transfer the contents and created a category labelled "Akramaman And The Lartey Family". What this now means is that I can update anything related to this category and mark it up as such. Also, all the comments previously made have been moved so they will appear as all being made on the same day. I could edit the dates, but I don't have the time, hence I am leaving it as it is. On this page, I am going to try to map the roots of my Family Tree. Born in the UK, and later moved to Ghana to do my secondary school education, I moved around the different regions in Ghana with my Mother, hence during those years, I didnt have much contact with the rest of my family in Ghana. When I did eventually got introduced to them,I suppose in a way, it was too late. There are so many of us, scattered everywhere. I would say the Lartey Family is more concentrated in the USA and in the UK. There are a few family members in Germany.

My Late Mother's name is Madam Elizabeth Laingoye Lartey. She had four other brothers namely Mr Emmanuel Adjin Lartey, Mr George Lartey, Mr Kotoko Lartey and Mr Aryee Lartey. They have all passed away. Uncle Adjin Lartey was the last one to recently kick the bucket. be continued

25th December 2010

I will work around my four uncles (who have all passed away). When I was recently in Ghana, i was supposed to sit down with my cousin and seek her help in getting the Akramaman Family tree down on paper. Unfortunately other pressing issues had to be sorted out. I am back in Ghana - by God's Grace - on the first of January. Hopefully I will be able to sit down with her and get this project underway.

The Four Uncles are; 1. Mr George Lartey 2. Mr Kotoku Lartey 3. Mr Aryee Lartey 4. Mr Adjin Lartey