Awuku Dela

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Filtering by Category: Pre Building

Beam of the Week: Check up on your Construction Project in Ghana


Overseeing your building project can prove tricky when you’re not in Ghana. Regular check-ins are key to protect yourself from unpleasant surprises, yet often require your physical presence on the ground. The Beam Crew can help!

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I came across this on the internet this morning. I find it interesting in that it would be something someone would engage in for two reasons. There might be more reason but I feel these are the two main reasons. The first would be if you did not trust the building company you had come to an agreement with to build you house, and secondly if you had absolutely no one as a backup to provide the services Beam are offering. Based on the culture of getting even a relative to assist you in anything, I find the services of Beam very valid. As someone living abroad with friends or relatives living in Ghana, it can become very difficult and frustrating to rely on them to assist you with your building project. Lets break this down further. Lets say you ask your relative to keep an eye on your project by providing you with update via pictures and any other form of communication. Initially, the task you have given will be carried out as expected, but as time goes by you then find out that the updates you were expecting trail off either slightly or drastically to a point whereby the stop completely. I should point out that, as expected you would not engage your relative in such a task without providing some monetery incentive. How else would you expect him/her to travel to the site and/or buy credit to send you those all important pictures. There is also the possibility that you will be getting phone calls asking for additional money to cover ridicolous expenses. 

Out of curiosity, I have sent them my whatsapp number. Someone should contact me later today. I will be interested in finding out how much their fees are. Update to follow.

Shed Construction - Day Two

The work men reported to work around 9.00am. They did say that they would have arrived earlier had it not been for the amount of traffic on the roads. Boadi, the builder was not around. I ddi not expect him to be actually as he had his site foreman taking care of things. Work continues with finishing off the outer shell of the shed. I have been informed that concrete flooring will be done tomorrow as well as doors to the shed. 

Shed Construction - Day One

Yesterday, around mid morning a pick up pulled into my house with all the necessary items needed to build the shed. I had mentioned earlier that the plan was to have a shed built so that I could store all my things in it. With the absence of dedicated storage facilities in Accra [not that I know off anyway], the best option was to build a shed. Plus even if I did find someone who was willing to store these things for me, I would be looking at transporting my stuff to another location and worrying about security at this new location.

Anyway, once the items had been off loaded from the pickup, the men responsible for building the shed quickly got down to business. By 5.30PM they had the shell of the shed constructed. Today they have the roofing, flooring [concrete] and doors to do. I suppose I can start moving stuff into the shed in a weeks time. By this time the concrete flooring would have set.