Awuku Dela

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Demolition of Boys Quarters - Day thirteen

Current demolition Progress…
I moved out of the boys quarters last week Tuesday, on the 3rd of November, to be precise. Since then, the boys quarters has been completely demolished. Lets say 95% of it. The 5% remaining represents the concrete floors. To date all the rubble from the the site has been transported over the road and dumped on the patch of land that separates Nyaniba from the Ring Road. I was assured by the builder that starting last week, he was going to organise a truck to start removing the rubble from where it currently sits. I travelled up to Tamale to visit some friends and returned on Saturday afternoon. This morning I was on site and was very disappointed to notice that the rubble is still sitting where it is. I am not particularly happy because firstly I do not want another visit from LaDMA, as they have already clocked the presence of the rubble and agreed for it to be there for a limited time only. That was 3 weeks ago. Secondly, it is an eyesore for the other residents and businesses that are within a certain radius around me. I am sure they can put up with all the rubbish for a period of time, however when the presence of the rubbish seems to be prolonging, they will start raising concerns to me and the proper authorities. This I certainly do not want to happen.
The have called the builder this morning. Apparently he is going to be on site today and I will have to sit him down and have a chat. We also need to go through his initial project time scales he presented to me. 
I can see that the workmen - 5 of them - are struggling with the little work that is left with breaking of the concrete of the boy quarters. Before vacating the boys quarters, the builder assured me that the demolition of the boys quarters would be done in no time as he was going to hire a couple of drilling machines to assist in the work.

I have made it a habit to talk to as many people as possible just to get as much advice as possible. My initial concerns I have been told is pilfering by the work men. Obviously the only way to curb this is to have a dedicated "watchman" on site. Even then, what is there to prevent this "watchman" from forming an alliance with the work men and stealing from the site. My other option is to have dedicated "spotters" to keep a look out for any unusual activity. Fortunately I have been able to source three people who live to the left and right of me as my spotters.

Currently I see that there are a lot of bits and pieces lying around on the site. By bits and pieces I mean stuff that has been salvaged from the two building - roofing sheets, old wiring, pieces of iron rods, wood, recovered tiles from the floors  etc etc.  One thing I will ask the builder to do is to get those who have put this items aside to have them removed by the end of this week. I feel that if these items are still there when materials start arriving on site, the pilferers will use the excuse of removing items they have salvaged from the demolition to steal materials from the site.