Office/Study Make-over
This was not in the actual sense of the word a typical make-over. I did not remove everything from the room and have it redecorated with different colour paint or wallpaper. I did not go out to [IKEA] to buy new furniture [desk, chair or shelves] in an attempt to introduce new furniture into the environment. My version of a make-over was to rearrange the various computer equipments I have in my study and position them in better locations. I also spent about two hours recabling everything under my desk. The cabling had just grown out of hand. Because it was all under the desk, and out of sight, I was reluctant to do anything about it. However at this point I added the recabling as part of my "to do list" in my make-over. The who exercise went on pretty well. I was able to reclaim more shelf space by getting rid of obsolete text books and magazine which I no longer required. There were also a few other bits in the study which were creating a distract for me. They just were not needed and packed them away. Upon reflection, I have moved my Debian Server t underneath my desk where it is nicely tucked away.