Phase Two - Crib @ update
I made a post some time back regarding the outhouse at Nyaniba. My recent visit to Ghana has taught me a lot. In previous years, I would stay with my good old friend Mr Felix Duku at his crib at South Labadi Estates, however this time I had some renovation done on the Outhouse at my late mothers place in Nyaniba; and had some beds placed in the bedrooms ready for my arrival. After the main reason for my trip to Ghana had been completed, I took it upon myself to examine the renovation that had been done the main house and the outhouse. I also took the liberty of taking some optics with my Nexus 5. With optics taken, I sat down to do some thinking. Check out the optics below. What I have decided to do will follow shortly.
Now that I have done a good visual examination of both properties, I have decided to renovate first the Outhouse and then move onto the main building. I have engaged the assistance of a building contractor - the same person who build my brothers house. From the pictures I got of my brothers crib, the guy did a good job, however I strongly feel that one has to be around whiles all these building renovations are going on - which I intend to make myself available. I have so far received costings regarding the renovation. I am waiting for the drawings, apply a few changes and God willingly get this project kicked off in March next year. it is going to be a major project and a lot of money involved, but the rewards will definitely be worth it. The current tenants agreement will end next year in August. There will be no plans of renewing this tenancy.